Monday, November 30, 2009

Social Media And Insurance Claims

You have doubtless heard of it. You probably have used it. Aside from the chattering
Class, you probably think that social media has little utilitarian value to claims professions. I agree with you. Wait, I just got off of twitter. I changed my mind, I don’t agree with you, here is why – This new social media world of communicating and information sharing is so effective in that it can’t be ignored by the insurance industry, particularly as it relates to the insurance claims business. Think about it, we deal in information and communication. The strong suit of the medium (social Media) is information and communication. What is social media? It is: Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and much more. Currently, I am finalizing an eBook on this topic. Thus far, during my research, I have concluded that social media helps us in the following ways:

It allows us to see what our customers are thinking. What do they like and want and don’t want.

It allows us to answer customer questions for customers in a general nature. Note: claims are a litigious business and it would not be wise to share legal-sensitive information that would expose us to unwanted legal exposure.

It helps establish are brand as an exceptional claims organization.

It makes for a positive responsive presence with our customers

It allows claims professional to share information and thoughts on common claims topics

And so much more.

In my eBook, I will go into detail as to how to accomplish the above and provide plausible examples. I will complete the list. I will introduce you to my insurance claims social media vision which will help everyone who services insurance customers.

Thanks – Robert Carper

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