Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A property claims professional should always be aware of the indicators of an arson fire. The main elements of an arson fire investigation revolve around motive, opportunity, and an incendiary fire.

These indicators should help isolate those claims which necessitate further investigation. No single indicator by itself is necessarily suspicious. Even the presence of several indicators, while suggestive of possible arson, does not mean that arson or fire related fraud has been committed. Indicators of possible arson are not evidence that arson has occurred.
General indicators of arson or fire-related fraud include:
  • Building and/or contents were up for sale at the time of the losss
  • Suspiciously coincidental absence of family pet at the time of the fire
  • The insured had a fire loss at the same site within the preceding year; the initial loss, though small, may have been a failed attempt to liquidate contents
  • Building and/or business was recently purchased
  • Commercial losses include old or nonsaleable inventory or illegal chemicals/materials
  • Insured or insured's business is experiencing financial difficulties
  • Fire site is claimed by multiple mortgageesbuilding is in deteriorating condition and/or lacks proper maintenance
  • Fire scene investigation suggests that property/contents were heavily overinsured
  • Fire scene investigation reveals absence of items of sentimental value
  • Fire scene investigation reveals absence of remains of items normally found in a home or business (television, clothes, personal items, business records)
  • Fire occurs at night, especially after 11 p.m.
  • Commercial fire occurs on holiday, weekend, or when business is closed
  • Fire department reports fire is incendiary, suspicious or unknown

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