Thursday, August 5, 2010

The phases of the typical claim are divided up into several very important categories. The initial contact, the investigative phase, coverage analysis, appraisal, documentation securing negotiations and settlement, to name a few. The most important of which is the first 24 hours following a loss. They offer a one-time opportunity to minimize the loss and direct its outcome. One thing is certain, the first 24 hours will not return. The effective adjuster will use those hours to uncover the unique hazards and opportunities in that loss, and out of a broad palette of alternatives, address the critical needs. The key areas that warrant attention during the first 24 hours of a claim consist of :

Securing the claim facts
Reviewing and confirming the coverage
Deterring the type and extent of damages
Discovering the witnesses
Securing the support documentation
Instructing the insured as to what to do, how to it and when to do it
Establish rapport with the clamant and/or insured
Get statements while the information is fresh in the minds of the involved parties
Make assignments to vendors and peripheral support people such as appraisers
Mitigate damages
Document the accident scene
Establish the claims adjusters role in the claim process

Many claims may come to conclusion during the coverage review in the first 24 hours but often times they continue because that phase was not properly addressed. This tends to be costly, creates legal exposures and diverts attention from other areas that warrant necessary attention.

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