Friday, April 10, 2015

Claims Best Practices (Part 1)
by Robert Carper

I spent years in property and casualty claims. Claims professionals are often referred to claims Best Practices as a guide on how to handle claims. What is "Best Practices"? Best Practices often serve a roadmap to achieving Quality Claims Outcomes.

The Best Practices may vary from carrier to carrier but the core intent is much similar. This is a two part series, after which, I will elaborate in detail on each Best Practice item in up-coming post. My background and experience affords me the opportunity to offer both property and casualty Best Practices assessment. Claims (property & Casualty) Best Practices typically consist of the following areas:


  • Prompt, Meaningful Contact
  • Special Handling Compliance
  • Communication with all parties as needed
  • File documentation
  • Photos and estimates if needed in the file
  • Policy Confirmed for property/car etc. on date of loss
  • Coverage Analysis review
  • Regulatory Requirements compliance
  • Damage Evaluation assessment
  • Claim file reporting requirements
  • Reserves properly addressed for claim file exposures
  • Assigned Authority (personal) with assigned position profile
  • All necessary parties contacted
  • Efficient claim handling utilized
  • Negligence assessment determined and explained

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