Thursday, September 3, 2015

Post Claim Underwriting

by Robert Carper
Issues such as Frequent claims, wrong driver driviing the wrong car, the business operated by someone who is not a listed insured or the business location is different than listed. Alterations to the car and questionable driving records could all (among other red flags) cause the underwriter to cancel the policy, increase the deductible, exclude a car or person or place the risk with a sub-standard carrier. A post-evaluation of claims can reveal characteristics of  the loss history that an underwriter may have not been able to detect when considering an application for insurance at the outset. Reviewing a claim can uncover operations and activities that if the underwriter had more thoroughly investigated might have led to either denial of the policy or offering it on a different basis. A number of similar claims could also alert underwriters to an emerging problem with a particular class of policies. As a claims person it is paramount that you alert underwriting of any of the aformentioned.


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