Sunday, March 29, 2015

Policy Fraud Checklist
  • Loss within first year of cover
  • Loss shortly before renewal/expiry of cover
  • Loss shortly after increase in cover
  • Notification of claim after policy lapse/cancellation
  • Existence of multiple policies covering same loss
  • Premium payment abnormalities
  • Pre-loss enquiry re cover/claims circumstances
  • Non-disclosure/misrepresentation
  • Frequent changes of insurer
  • Gaps in previous insurance history
  • Evidence of significant over insurance/under insurance
  • Policy arranged via agent far away from insured's home
  • Poor claims history
  • Claimant appears to be different from policyholder
  • Questionable use of property/occupation at time of loss
  • Evidence of pre-loss business/personal and/or financial problems


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