Sunday, March 29, 2015


 is a growing digital destination
for insurance claims professionals. We serve as a guide
to enhance the investigative quality of the recorded statement
process. We seek to provide the content, process improvement
and skill enhancement in this area.

Wait at least 20-30 seconds for responses. Silence is acceptable
during a Recorded interview to allow interviewee time to think about
the question and their response. The more time you give interviewee
to think the higher level answers you will receive. There will be increased
interviewee participation.

Ask clearly worded questions and speak clearly when you ask them.
Only ask one question at a time.
Rephrase a question only after the wait time.
Don't answer your own questions.
Remember - pauses and silence is not a bad thing if properly placed
Ask open-ended, not just close-ended questions.
Ask divergent as well as convergent questions
Repeat the question, paraphrasing it
Ask probing questions
Ask for detailed descriptive information
Ask the question and then shut up
Don't ask leading questions
Know when to ask yes or no questions
Feedback then feed forward for clarity
Be prepared to answer why you asked the question
Know what is considered a inappropriate question
Use questions to establish rapport
Don't interrupt the interviewee

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